Mars College Midterms

Bombay Beach | 2024 | Experience design, performance, light intallation

Collaboration with Renata Chebel, Czar, @kirbliscious, @casssidilla, @Syntonikka and Nick
Midterms mark the midpoint of the Mars College experience. They are an opportunity for all Marsians to come together, share and reflect upon what everyone has done so far, and get excited about the second half. The Opening Ritual was an event intended to start this weekend with the meaning and power that it deserves.

Video credit: Renata Chebel

Marsians walking up Chiba
Ritual performance
Nico spinning fire!
Marsians walking in the desert

Light installation

Since arriving on Mars, I had noticed the trash littering the desert. I had the idea to collect old bottles and jugs found in the desert, to place LEDs inside them, and arrange them into a "Desert Trash Sanctuary". We used this space as part of the Midterms Ceremony to plant seeds. It was a very beautiful and emotional moment.

The nice patch of desert chosen for the light installation

Light installation at night

At night, the trash illuminates, inviting the viewer to mediation and contemplation

Desert trash

The desert surrounding Bombay Beach is unfortunatily not the most pristine

Desert soldering operation

Desert soldering operation

More desert trash

More desert trash...

Desert bathed in majestic morning light